Sean Cody’s Jeremy: The Greatest Gay Porn Ass Of 2016?

Posted March 20, 2016 by with 82 comments

jeremy2Good God.

Sean Cody’s Jeremy makes his solo debut today. This ripped baseball jock clearly has one of the best, beefiest, fattest, roundest, and most perfect asses of 2016. And if Sean Cody can’t get Jeremy to come back for a duo, they will have made one of the biggest mistakes of 2016.


This ass is so good, most would even be fine with Jeremy coming back as a top, just so we can see this ass in action.


And the front is pretty good, too:


The tattoos, unfortunately, are not good:


I’ve learned never to get my hopes up with Sean Cody anymore, but a lot of their solo guys have been coming back for duos lately. So, keep your fingers crossed…

jeremy3Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Sean Cody: Jeremy]

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