Battle Of The Gay Porn Newcomers: Santino Vs. Scott Vs. Steve

Posted February 1, 2016 by with 21 comments

sean cody active duty chaosmen

Three gay porn newcomers to choose from today, via ChaosMen, ActiveDuty, and Sean Cody.

On the left: ChaosMen’s Santino. In the middle: ActiveDuty’s Scott. On the right: Sean Cody’s Steve.

sean cody active duty chaosmen 2

Who would you rather: Santino, Scott, or Steve?

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The most awkward solo video has to be from Santino, who admits not only that he’s nervous, but also that he wishes someone was there to suck his cock:

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[ Santino]

I’d be shocked if the super straight, superhero-esque megahunk Scott came back to have gay sex with another military man, but it’d be a great surprise if he did:

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[ Scott]

Sean Cody’s Steve is the least interesting newcomer for me, which means he’ll undoubtedly be back for a duo scene this week:

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[Sean Cody: Steve]


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