Season’s Beatings: Nearly Naked Man Arrested At Phoenix Airport After Bloody Christmas Brawl Leads To Family Members Shooting And Stabbing Each Other

Posted December 26, 2024 by with 3 comments

The MAGA lifestyle was on full display at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, Arizona yesterday, with two people shot and one person stabbed during a bloody family brawl in the middle of the airport. I guess you can bring guns and knives to airports now? Sure, why the hell not. Bombs and flamethrowers are fine, too.

But, in a fun “only in America” twist, the man featured in the below report via CBS5 actually had nothing to do with the family brawl/shooting/stabbing. This nearly naked man got a text from one of his own relatives at the airport that there was an active shooter in the terminal, so he drove there with his own guns and just started handing them out to random people so they could join in the firefight and start shooting people, too. So helpful!


And here’s an earlier report with more on the family shooting/stabbing, which led to the unrelated man in shorts showing up with guns. Via NBC12:

Added: I just realized what the reporter said during the last few seconds of the above report and, am I losing my mind, or did he actually say that the people who brawled weren’t even traveling anywhere? Who the hell goes to a motherfucking airport to have dinner(?) if they’re not getting on a plane??

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