Semen Sniffing Dog Tracks Down Sex Offenders

Posted October 21, 2022 by with 0 comments

I’m not sure how this would work (is anyone on the street with a cum stain on their clothes or some dried up jizz on their underwear going to be a target for the dog? because if that’s the case, a lot of men are fucked), and I don’t like the idea of dogs knowing what semen is, but this is 2022 and everything is insane. Hopefully the dog is only trained to hunt for semen at crime scenes. Via BBC:

A police dog who can detect seminal fluid has been welcomed to the Cheshire and North Wales Police Dog Unit.

Golden Labrador April qualified as a sexual crime scene Police Dog (PD) following six weeks of training from specialist officer PC Steve Gunn.

She is now one of just three dogs in the UK specially trained to only detect seminal fluid.

It was hoped the use of the specialist dog would help put more sexual offenders behind bars.

The 15-month-old pooch can detect as little as 0.016ml of seminal fluid, sometimes years after it has been deposited, the force said.

Lead trainer, PC Dean Allen, added: “The dogs can indicate the presence of seminal fluid in places traditional kits can’t detect it. Once they’ve identified the scent, that piece of material or vegetation can be sent away and the extracted DNA profiled, leading to more prosecutions.”


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