Sex Abuse Survivors Reject $2.7 Billion Settlement From Boy Scouts

Posted January 6, 2022 by with 2 comments

These sick Boy Scout freaks filed for bankruptcy in 2020 so they could keep their racket going while paying tiny amounts to over 80,000 people they raped and sexually abused, but thankfully, the survivors aren’t letting them get away with the paltry settlement offer of $2.7 billion (which would only pay each victim about $30,000), and the negotiations are continuing. Via Reuters:

The Boy Scouts of America fell short of winning the support it sought from sex-abuse victims for a nearly $2.7 billion settlement that could bring the organization out of bankruptcy, according to court papers.

The proposed settlement of more than 82,000 claims of childhood sexual abuse earned the support of just over 73% of those who cast votes, below the 75% the Boy Scouts sought.

The 111-year-old youth group based in Irving, Texas, filed for bankruptcy in February 2020 after being hit by a flood of sexual abuse lawsuits when several U.S. states passed laws allowing accusers to sue over allegations dating back several decades.

Those claimants are now creditors of the organization, so they must sign off on any plans to restructure and exit bankruptcy. Representatives of some of the victims have pushed for larger settlements.

“We hope the BSA and the lawyers who supported this plan will take this result as sending a message that the plan they proposed was fundamentally unacceptable to a large bloc of survivors,” Irwin Zalkin of Zalkin Law Firm, who represents more than 150 victims, said in a statement.

John Humphrey, the co-chair of the committee representing abuse claimants in the bankruptcy, called the settlement “historically low” from the perspective of individual victims.

[Reuters: Boy Scouts fall short in support for $2.7B abuse settlement]

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