Sex Trafficking Victim Who Killed Her Rapist Escapes From Probation Center

Posted November 6, 2022 by with 3 comments

While she wasn’t in prison, this is still considered an “escape” because she left a probation facility when she wasn’t supposed to. Also, she cut off her ankle monitor. At any rate, she never should’ve been charged and convicted in the first place, obviously, but she’s a black woman in America, so there’s a very different, very unjust set of rules for her. Via CNN:

Pieper Lewis, the Iowa teenager who killed a man she said raped her and was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay restitution to his family, has escaped from a residential corrections facility, according to Iowa’s Fifth Judicial District Department of Corrections.

Lewis “walked away from the Fresh Start Women’s Center on Friday at 6:19 a.m. after cutting off her electronic monitoring tracking device,” Jerry Evans, the district’s executive director, told CNN in an email Sunday morning. “At this time, her whereabouts are unknown.”

Officials have filed a probation violation report, Evans said, recommending her probation be revoked. “A warrant for her arrest was subsequently issued that remains outstanding.”

Lewis was 15 years old when she killed a man she said had raped her multiple times, CNN previously reported.

The Des Moines facility from which Lewis escaped is a residential corrections facility, according to the Fifth Judicial Circuit Department of Corrections website. It “accepts residents with varied legal status,” who might be admitted “as a condition of probation or parole,” it says.


A local news report:

An earlier report from when she was sentenced, with more background on Lewis:

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