Horse-Hung Sir Peter Makes Debut Topping Andy Star, And There’s A Mildly Pissed Off Lady Watching Them

Posted May 24, 2021 by with 24 comments

Have we reached the point where seeing a woman in a gay porn scene (and then watching said woman flip out at the sight of two gay men fucking) isn’t that big of a deal? Perhaps it’s because today’s lady gives a rather lackluster performance, and she isn’t even that disturbed upon discovering her boyfriend being fucked by another man. Instead, she plops herself down in the corner of a darkened room, puts on a blindfold, and calls it a day. I feel ya, sister friend.


If this isn’t a forever mood while watching these scenes…

Back to the actual gay sex (which, I guess should be the point of all this, since this is a gay porn scene?), here is big-dicked Sir Peter making his debut topping Andy Star (his name is tattooed above his ass, in case you ever forget) bareback in a “Marco Polo”-themed scene.

The blindfolded game they’re playing in the apartment is Marco Polo, but I’ve only played Marco Polo in a swimming pool? Maybe it’s played differently by straight people and closet cases in Canada. Trailer (watch full scene here):

[ Sir Peter Fucks Andy Star Bareback]

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