Societal Collapse Continues: Naked Men, Brawls, And Zombies On Cell Phones At Barbenheimer Screenings

Posted August 5, 2023 by with 8 comments

I went to the movies for the first time in over three years to see Oppenheimer last month, and I was surprised there were no disruptions or noticeable use of cell phones by audience members. In fact, other than having to pee for the last 40 minutes of the 180-minute movie, the whole experience was actually…pleasant? This was probably because it was at an upscale standalone theater (not in or near a mall) in suburban Orange County in the middle of a Tuesday one week after Oppenheimer’s opening, so there was less room for careless crowds, unruly teens, and drunken criminals. People paid $25 to sit in one of those seats, so they were clearly there to enjoy a good movie. Sadly, this has not been the experience for many people at theaters throughout the country, as America’s great societal collapse rages on nationwide. Via WaPo:

It was a 9:30 p.m. showing of “Barbie” at the Regal Cinema in downtown Denver, and the theater’s manager had begun pleading with a man seated a few rows in front of Connolly and her younger brother. The man, the manager said, needed to leave. But the moviegoer wouldn’t budge.

“One of the security guards was saying to the guy, ‘Dude, you cannot be naked in here,’” she recalled. “The guy was all confused and upset that he couldn’t be naked in the theater … he was getting all worked up.”

At a “Barbie” showing at an AMC theater in Washington on Sunday, a man wearing a pink tank top and body glitter loudly identified with the Kens onscreen. Throughout the film — and despite multiple shushes — he would cheer, sing or stand up and pump his fist from his front-section seat whenever the Kens rallied against the Barbies. He apologized to the audience at one point, explaining that he was “wasted” but nevertheless continued disrupting the show until the film’s climax, at which point he got into a slap fight with an acquaintance sitting beside him.

The bad behavior wasn’t limited to energized “Barbie” audiences, either: “Saw ‘Oppenheimer’ last night in one of the worst behaved crowds I’ve ever been in, multiple camera flashes throughout, people in front of us scrolling TikTok half way thru the film,” user @silvergelpen wrote this weekend on Twitter.

When Brandon Thint, 24, went to see “Barbie” at a Cinemark in Austin, Tex., the last 20 minutes of the movie were spoiled for him by younger kids watching YouTube videos near the front of the theater at full volume during “the emotional climax of the movie.”


A lot more examples in the WaPo story at the link. Here was video of a Barbie brawl, which happened in Brazil, so at least the United States isn’t the only country full of uncivilized maniacs:

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