South Carolina Prisoner Scheduled To Be Executed This Month Asks For Firing Squad Instead Of Electric Chair

Posted April 15, 2022 by with 1 comment

In life (or death, as it were), it’s nice to have options. Via AP:

A South Carolina prisoner scheduled to be the first man executed in the state in more than a decade has decided to die by firing squad rather than in the electric chair later this month, according to court documents filed Friday.

Richard Bernard Moore, 57, is the first state prisoner to face the choice of execution methods after a law went into effect last year making electrocution the default and giving inmates the option to face three prison workers with rifles instead.

[AP: South Carolina inmate picks firing squad over electric chair]

Moore’s been on death row for over 20 years after killing a convenience store clerk in 1999, and he’ll be only the fourth person in the United States to die by firing squad in nearly 50 years.

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