Staffer Files Sexual Harassment Police Report And Ethics Complaint Against George Santos

Posted February 3, 2023 by with 11 comments

Well, here we go again. There’s more George Santos news as we head into the weekend, only this time, it’s not about another one of his insane lies. This time, Santos (Miss Katara if you’re nasty) is being accused of sexually harassing a staffer whose job offer Santos rescinded two days later, allegedly because the staffer rejected Santos’ sexual advances. This latest Santos scandal (one of at least a dozen, some of which are being investigated by the FBI) comes after not even being in office for one month.

The now former staffer is named Derek Myers (seen above, left), and he’s filed a police report with Capitol Police as well as a complaint with the House Ethics Committee, as seen in the letter below. In that letter, Myers says Santos placed his hand on Myers’ inner thigh and touched his groin while inviting Myers to his home, telling him, “My husband is out of town tonight if you want to come over.” Myers says he declined the request and left Santos’ office, and his job offer was then revoked. Myers was not officially on staff with Santos, but had been working for him on a type of “volunteer” basis, while a final hiring decision had not been made.

Here were tweets from Myers today and his letter to the Ethics Committee:

On the one hand, it’s obviously very reasonable to assume that someone as horrific, evil, and sociopathic as George Santos would harass someone like this. On the other hand, I don’t think anyone who is actively trying to work for someone as horrific, evil, and sociopathic as George Santos can be trusted, so it’s also very reasonable to assume that Derek Myers is, like Santos, completely full of shit.

Myers seemed to know ahead of time that he wouldn’t be brought on staff, and he secretly recorded a meeting with Santos in which he wasn’t offered the job. Then, Myers (who, tbh, seems just as sleazy as Santos) sent that recording to TalkingPointsMemo, which published the audio yesterday. The recording is pretty boring and goes on for way too long, but in it, you’ll hear Myers, Santos, and Santos chief of staff Charley Lovett talking about everything from Colombian botox to $2 thrift store ties, and there’s a lot of backstory on the entire incident (including Myers’ own checkered past) here on TPM.

Here’s the recording, and if you can’t tell who’s who in the beginning, it’s Myers talking about his thrift store ties (his voice is closest to the microphone), and it’s Santos who then says to his chief of staff, “I found somebody who’s one-upped you”:

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