Str8UpGayPorn Reporting Live From The Phoenix Forum!

Posted March 28, 2014 by with 23 comments

IMG_6612Str8UpGayPorn is proud to be bringing you all the action from this year’s Phoenix Forum, starting tonight with the Buddy Profits “Male Striptease Show”—where all the NextDoorStudios models will be appearing (assuming there are any left?)—and going through tomorrow night at the Fratmen and Chi Chi LaRue parties. I’ve only been here a couple hours, and I’ve already run into my new friends from GayHoopla (above): Dmity Dickov, JJ Swift, and Jaden Storm. What a whirlwind!

IMG_6616What exactly is the Phoenix Forum? I’m so glad you asked, because tbh, I don’t really know! Actually, it’s an adult networking and socializing event/convention/party where webmasters and bloggers and studio people make deals, attend seminars, and (if you’re like me) get drunk! There aren’t too many gays here, but there are a lot of hot straight guys, as seen above. I had to zoom in and get a closer look at whoever these straight hunks were:

IMG_6615Then, I ran into old friends Tommy Defendi, Ryan Rose, Ray Han, and Christopher Daniels:


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Oh, and then this happened…???????!


Stay tuned for more!

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