Surprise: MAGA Faggot George Santos Used Campaign Cash To Pay Rent On House Where He And Husband Lived

Posted December 30, 2022 by with 16 comments

[George Santos, right, and his then fiancé at a 2021 New Year’s Eve party at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago]

You didn’t really think we’d be able to close out 2022 without another humiliating (not to mention criminal) story about congressman-elect George Santos. The pathological liar has already been caught completely making shit up about his dead mother, his education, his sexuality, his job, his heritage, and literally his entire life, and now he’s been caught using campaign cash to pay rent on a house in which he and his husband lived. This is typically a very illegal thing to do, and it’s likely what could ultimately bring the disgraced fraud down, as he’s currently under federal investigation ahead of his swearing in ceremony in Congress next week. Via New York Times:

The company was called Cleaner 123, and over the course of four months, it received nearly $11,000 from the campaign of George Santos, the representative-elect from New York who appears to have invented whole swaths of his life story.

The expenditures were listed as “apartment rental for staff” on Santos’ campaign disclosure forms and gave the address of a modest suburban house on Long Island. But one neighbor said Santos himself had been living there for months, and two others said that they had seen Santos and his husband coming and going, a possible violation of the rule prohibiting the use of campaign funds for personal expenses.

The payments to Cleaner 123 were among a litany of unusual disbursements documented in Santos’ campaign filings that experts say could warrant further scrutiny. There are also dozens of expenses pegged at $199.99 — one cent below the threshold at which federal law requires receipts.


Santos also expensed more than $40,000 in air travel using campaign cash, which the NYT points out is an “exorbitant” amount that would usually only be seen by leaders in congress, not someone running for office for the first time. 2023 prediction: Santos will be out of congress before Valentine’s Day, and he may be in prison before the end of the year.

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