Survey Reveals Most People Would Rather Have Threesome With Robot Over Human

Posted March 31, 2022 by with 6 comments

[image of robot played by Collin Simpson via ManUpFilms]

Good news if you’re a robot: People would rather fuck you over another human being. Via tabloid TheSun:

A survey revealed that more people would prefer to have a threesome with a robot than invite another person over for sex. The results showed two in five people said they were open to the idea of having sex with a robot. The survey was conducted by SexualAlpha, which freely admitted that their sample size of 3,292 people was small.  However, it does suggest that some people are fairly open-minded to the idea of having relations with sex bots.

In fact more people prefer to be intimate with a sex bot (37.5 percent) instead of having casual sex with a human lover (30.1 percent).

When it comes to couples, nearly half of people surveyed (41.9 percent) said they would agree or strongly agree to including a sex bot in a threesome if the opportunity came up.

Probably the most surprising revelation from the survey was that 15.5 percent of participants admitted to either owning or having previous sexual relations with a robot.

[TheSun: More people would have a threesome with a ROBOT than invite a person over for sex, study reveals]

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