Tax-Evading Billionaire Cucked By Leonardo DiCaprio

Posted November 8, 2021 by with 3 comments

Nice to see a pint-sized cuck being humiliated in public. Now, if only someone could get this corporate welfare queen to pay taxes like everyone else. Via LadBible:

Jeff Bezos has responded after footage of his girlfriend Lauren Sánchez meeting Leonardo DiCaprio went viral. You can watch the moment below:

The trio bumped into each other at the 10th Annual Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) Art and Film Gala Presented By Gucci. In the clip, Sánchez appears to be fangirling over DiCaprio while Bezos looks on with very little interest. Bezos has now taken to Twitter to respond. Sharing a picture which if nothing else showcases his surprisingly muscular arms, Bezos poses behind a sign reading: “Danger! Steep cliff. Fatal drop.”

He joked in the tweet: “Leo, come over here, I want to show you something…”


[LB: Jeff Bezos Responds To Viral Footage Of His Girlfriend Meeting Leonardo DiCaprio]

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