Taylor Swift Stalker Arrested Just Hours After Being Arraigned And Released On Previous Stalking Charge

Posted January 25, 2024 by with 9 comments

They can’t hold anyone in jail anymore, even if they go out and commit the same crimes over and over again, just a couple of hours after being released from a previous arrest the same day? I guess a stalker has to commit actual murder before anyone in the American justice system cares? Totally normal country. It’s a good thing Taylor Swift likely has security that’s as good as (if not better than) the Secret Service, and her stalker will be put down if he gets anywhere near her. Also, given what a cash cow Swift is for so many multi-billion dollar conglomerates, there’s no way any of her corporate owners will let anything happen to her. News on the stalker’s arrests, release, and subsequent arrest yesterday via Fox5 in New York:

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