[UPDATED] Third George Santos Expulsion Vote Today

Posted December 1, 2023 by with 7 comments

Kicking him out requires a 2/3 majority vote, and unlike the previous two attempts to expel the crazy faggot conman, many believe there are enough Republicans this time who’ll join the Dems and vote to expel Santos. On the one hand, this is great and funny, but on the other, it’s unfortunate that if he is voted out, he’ll become a significant name in U.S. political history as only the sixth person ever to be expelled from the House, the only Republican ever to be expelled from congress, and obviously the only gay person ever expelled. He doesn’t deserve to be remembered for anything, so this kind of sucks, but on the bright side, he’s also headed to prison for a long time next year, so I guess it all balances out. Stay tuned this afternoon…

Update: It’s over!

Santos was expelled this morning by a vote of 311-114, more than enough to meet the 2/3 majority (283 votes were needed). Reports below via NBC and ABC:

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