Thirst Trap Recap: Which Of These 14 Gay Porn Stars Took The Best Photo?

Posted April 27, 2023 by with 23 comments

This week’s edition of the TTR features a bevy of extra thick and incredibly fat cocks (tbh, when does it not), fat asses, ripped muscle hunks, and even a couple of kings. If you have a favorite, you know what to do in the poll below…

But first, congratulations to last week’s Thirst Trap Recap winner, Hard Tom:

Hard Tom will face off with all the other TTR weekly winners at the end of the year during the Thirst Trap King contest.

Without further ado, here is this week’s all-photo (Twitter still isn’t allowing video embeds) edition of the TTR. As always, please use the links to follow the stars and vote for your favorite in the poll:

Alex Fox


Josh Moore

Ricky Donovan

David and Andrew

Eddie Miami

Trevor Brooks

Rhyheim Shabazz and Andy Rodrigues

King Dwarf

King Louis


Roxas Caelum

Who Took The Best Photo? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 2,349

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