Thirst Trap Recap: Which Of These 13 Gay Porn Stars Took The Best Photo?

Posted April 20, 2024 by with 20 comments

The cocks are big, but some of the adorably sweet gay porn star smiles might be even bigger in this week’s Thirst Trap Recap. Please vote for your favorite man (or men, in the case of photos with duos) in the poll below.

But first, congratulations to the winner of last week’s TTR, King Marcellus, who is indeed a king:

King Marcellus will join all of the other finalists in the Thirst Trap King competition at the end of the year, and here are this week’s competitors who are hoping to join him:

Jeffrey Vice

Austin Wolf and Daniel Knight

Jonsen Papi

Angel Rivera and XXL Top London

Ty Santana

Thomas Long XXL and Chase Lazz

Timothy Champagne

Trevor Harris

Jett Again

Leo Levine

Who Took The Best Photo? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 2,952

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