Thirst Trap Recap: Which One Of These 22 Gay Porn Stars Took The Best Photo Or Video?

Posted August 25, 2020 by with 21 comments

Summer is winding down, but your favorite gay porn stars are hornier than ever, and the thirst must continue. Who took your favorite photo or video this week? Please vote below. Also, while Thirst Trap Recap polls are extremely important, this year’s election in November is even more important, so please make sure you are registered to vote (hopefully by mail) in your state, and please make sure to vote for Joe Biden. While I’m not “for” Biden (he was my second least favorite candidate during the primaries, just ahead of horrific Mayor Pete), I must vote for Biden in order to stop the fascist psychopath in the White House now. And at least with someone like Biden in office, we have a better chance of repairing this country and bringing about the changes that are needed. Widespread and massive institutional changes that have been needed for centuries. Anyone who votes to reelect the current occupant of the White House is evil, ignorant, or mentally ill. Possibly all three.

With that said, here are this week’s hunks! Vote for your favorite in the poll below.

Ricky and Johnny Donovan

Josh Brady

Jake Herbert

Jonsen Papi

Owen Hawk

Adrian Hart

Hung Dwarf

Masyn Thorne

Eli Lincoln

Reno Gold and Cade Maddox

Cody Seiya

Josh King

DeAngelo Jackson

Vincent O’Reilly

Elliot Finn

Chris Damned and Dillon Diaz


Damien Ellis

Alpha Jay

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