Thousands Of Religious Psychopaths March Against European Gay Pride Event

Posted August 30, 2022 by with 6 comments

While many European countries are safer and more progressive than even the United States when it comes to LGBT rights, this is a sad reminder that there are still plenty of deranged psychopaths across the continent. This group of far-right religious bigots was in Belgrade, Serbia, via Reuters:

Thousands of religious and right-wing opponents of a European gay Pride event to be hosted by Belgrade protested through the Serbian capital on Sunday, even though the government has said it would scrap or delay the Pride event.

Belgrade is due to host the EuroPride march on Sept. 17, an event staged in a different European city each year. But President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday it would be cancelled or postponed, citing reasons such as threats from right-wing activists.

Sunday’s protest against the EuroPride event, held during a procession to mark a religious holiday, was led by clergy from the Serbian Orthodox Church, some of whose bishops say the Pride event threatens traditional family values and should be banned.

“Save our children and family,” read one of the banners held up by protesters on Sunday, some of whom also carried crosses.



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