Texas County Courtroom Zoom Hearing Hacked With Hardcore Porn

Posted December 21, 2022 by with 2 comments

[image of Michael Del Ray being fucked in fake court via Men.com, which is not the court being reported on in the story below]

They were shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you. “It was very disturbing,” said one defense attorney interviewed by ABC. Based on his hyperbolic response, I’m guessing he was “exposed” to gay porn, or some kind of fetish porn he had never seen before. Or, maybe he’s just a melodramatic queen. “What the heck kind of court is this?!” he added. The porn “took up the full screen” in the courtroom, and it was “so zoomed in,” meaning, they must have been shown some nice close-up penetration shots. “I wish I could unsee it,” he concluded. Via ABC13:

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