Trans Man To Sue L.A. County For Brutal Police Beating
We saw the brutal police beating last month (video above), and now the victim says he’ll be suing the LA. County Sheriff’s Department. Via NBC:
A former California teacher has filed a claim for at least $10,000 in damages against Los Angeles County after a sheriff’s deputy threw him to the ground and repeatedly punched him in the head after a traffic stop. The incident, which took place in February, was caught on video.
Emmett Brock, who is transgender, also alleged that when he was booked at a local jail, the employees asked to see his genitals.
After he was assaulted, Brock was ridiculously booked on multiple felony charges including resisting arrest, but then the charges were reduced to misdemeanors, and then they were completely dismissed. Despite the dismissal, he lost his teaching job due to the charges (he’s working to get it back now), and there are more details at the link. I hope he gets way more than $10,000, but it sounds like the most important thing he’s asking for is for the deputy to be fired. Perhaps not surprisingly, the pig is still employed by the LASD and has not faced any disciplinary action.