Trans TikToker Banned From White House After Stripping Naked And Jiggling Breasts At Joe Biden LGBT Pride Event With Children

Posted June 13, 2023 by with 32 comments

Via Yahoo:

Transgender model Rose Montoya sparked conservative backlash after briefly going topless and jiggling her breasts at a White House Pride Month event where she met the president and first lady. The White House later criticized the influencer’s actions as “inappropriate and disrespectful.”

In a TikTok video (embedded below) Montoya filmed at the event, you can see the “influencer” placing her hands over her breasts and jiggling them up and down on the White House lawn. “I had zero intention of trying to be vulgar, or be profane in any way,” Montoya later said in a follow-up video after the backlash. “I was simply living in joy, living my truth and existing in my body. Happy Pride. Free the nipple,” she said.

The Biden administration announced today that Montoya won’t be allowed at the White House going forward. “This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House … Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events,” the White House statement read.

Well, this is what you get when you invite TikTokers to the White House. As Logan Roy once said, these are not serious people.

Video of an LGBT person taking off her clothes and jiggling her tits at an official White House Pride event with children is exactly the kind of “groomer” and “pedophile” footage that the right wing will use to justify hatred and discrimination against LGBTs for years to come. And why shouldn’t they? She handed it right to them on a silver platter. Granted, the giant Pride flag and even clothed people at the event were enough to make conservatives lose their minds, but the self-serving clown in the below video takes it to a whole other level. She doesn’t care, of course. This isn’t about you or the LGBT community that’s been unfairly attacked (for the exact behavior that’s on display in this video). This is all about her. This is her moment! She’s living her truth! Not yours.

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