Trump Reportedly Fantasized With Aides About What It Might Be Like To Fuck His Daughter Ivanka

Posted June 29, 2023 by with 4 comments

I feel like I’ve already covered so many stories involving Trump having sexual fantasies about his daughters, but apparently this is a new one. Via Newsweek:

Trump’s “naked sexism,” including toward his own daughter, is described in a new book by Miles Taylor, the former Trump administration official who famously wrote a scathing op-ed about the former president under the pen name “Anonymous.”

Taylor, a former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, describes several incidents that made women in the Trump administration uncomfortable in his upcoming book Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump, an extract of which was obtained exclusively by Newsweek.

These incidents included, the book says, claims by aides that Trump made lewd comments about his daughter Ivanka’s appearance and talked about “what it might be like to have sex with her.” This prompted a rebuke from his chief of staff, the book says.


It obviously wouldn’t be a surprise if Trump and Ivanka did in fact have an ongoing sexual relationship. These are some sick, morally depraved fucks. Maybe it’s something the whole family already knows about, and they just put up with it. That certainly would explain the insane look Melania gave to Ivanka when she walked past her step mother at the RNC in 2020:

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