Don The Con: Trump Touted Contest For Small Donor To Dine With Him, But No Winner Met Him

Posted March 12, 2022 by with 3 comments

Conman gotta con. Even while not in office, Trump—the biggest sleazebag scammer in American history—continues to dupe his brain dead fans. I like hearing about dipshit losers being conned (hopefully they emptied out money from their live savings) by fellow dipshit losers, so this is actually a fun story, via WaPo:

Former president Donald Trump’s political group sent at least 15 emails in recent weeks offering small-dollar donors the chance to win a coveted prize if they gave money: dinner with Trump in New Orleans last Saturday.

“We booked you a plane ticket,” one of the pitches said, complete with a photo of Trump superimposed in the French Quarter, beneath the dangling trademark ferns. “Contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to be automatically entered to have dinner with President Trump in New Orleans.”

Another pitch promised a full suite of perks. “We’ll cover your flight. We’ll cover your very nice hotel. We’ll cover your dinner,” the email promised, along with a picture with Trump. “All you have to do is enter.

A third pitch said: “He REALLY wants to meet you, Friend, which is why he’s holding (1) spot on the entry list for YOU only.” Some of the emails came from an account labeled “Dinner with Trump” that was set up by the former president’s leadership PAC, Save America.

But no such winner was flown to New Orleans last weekend, according to four people familiar with the matter. No flight or “very nice” hotel was booked. Trump had no individual meeting with a small-dollar donor, instead only privately greeting a handful of Republican Party donors who gave large checks, taking pictures with some of the party’s most well-heeled members and speaking to a larger group of donors who each gave tens of thousands of dollars.

“President Trump has awarded more than 100 prizes to contest winners across America, but due to an administrative error in this individual circumstance, the contest winner was not properly notified for last weekend’s event in New Orleans. Consistent with the rules of the sweepstakes, a substitute prize will be awarded to the winner,” Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said Friday, when asked why no winner was chosen.

He did not say what the substitute prize was, but the fine print of the contest rules say the organization can substitute a prize of “greater or equal value.”

[WashingtonPost: Trump touted a contest for small-dollar donors to dine with him in New Orleans. But no winner met him.]

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