Twink Staffer Appears To Be Having Nervous Breakdown As Republican Leaders Call For George Santos To Step Down

Posted January 11, 2023 by with 17 comments

George Santos, the worthless pig who’s turned the Republican party into even more of a humiliating joke than it already was, is still refusing to step down from his congressional seat, despite new calls to resign immediately from party leaders in his home district. Above, there’s a CNN discussion on Santos and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Below, here’s a brief clip from this morning of Santos being swarmed yet again by reporters asking if he’ll resign, to which he responds, “I will not!”

And as we saw last night during another tense moment in which he called for “personal space,” that poor twink staffer (a Brent Corrigan doppelgänger?) is being put through the wringer. Regardless of his political views, I want to help him.


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