U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! United States Becomes The Global Leader With The Most Monkeypox Cases

Posted July 26, 2022 by with 8 comments

The complete societal collapse of the United States—a third world country that’s been masquerading as a global superpower for the last 40 years—is becoming more evident every single day, and now we’ve hit a new benchmark: The U.S. leads the world with the most monkeypox cases. Via BBC:

More than 3,800 monkeypox cases have been reported in the US, the most of any country around the globe, government health data shows. The rising number of cases has reportedly prompted the Biden administration to mull declaring a national health emergency.

“Mull.” That’s really the perfect word to describe the entire Biden presidency (which will definitely be over within the next two and a half years). No action. Just a lot of mulling. Already two months into the next pandemic, and he mulls.

The virus has already been classified as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). To date, more than 18,000 cases have been reported in 75 countries. According to data published online by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 25 July there were 3,846 confirmed or suspected monkeypox cases in the US.

I personally know 28 people with monkeypox right now (some of whom are gay porn stars), so that number of 3,846 is a laughable undercount. Multiply it by 10 and you might be closer to the true count.

While officials have said that gay and bisexual men – as well as healthcare workers – have so far been most at risk, fears are mounting that the virus could spread to other segments of the population.

On 22 July, the US confirmed the first cases of monkeypox in children.

The US response to the virus has so far been plagued by vaccine shortages and a slow start to testing, leading some to compare the situation to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020.

In Washington DC, for example, officials have warned that a “rapid increase in cases”, coupled with a “very limited” supply of vaccines, means that authorities must prioritise high-risk residents.


If the vaccine is available in your city, you’ll obviously want to get it as soon as you can, especially if you’re sexually active or have any close contact with people in public spaces. Check your county’s public health department website for vaccine information. Vaccines are limited (and will become even harder to get as cases continue to explode), so, just as with COVID, you’re on your own out there in America, the “greatest nation on earth.” Good luck.

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