U.S. Monkeypox Cases Skyrocket 370%!

Posted July 7, 2022 by with 0 comments

In the last two weeks, monkeypox infections have quintupled in the U.S., with a 370% increase and 605 cases now reported. (The actual number is at least 10x that amount, given the lack of testing and people seeking treatment.) In New York City alone, cases jumped 18% overnight. Via NBC4:

New York City health officials reported a total of 141 presumed monkeypox cases on Thursday, an 18% jump overnight. It’s a 370% increase in the last two weeks — and the five boroughs now account for almost a quarter of the 605 U.S. cases, the CDC says.

The monkeypox vaccine is available now, but only for LGBTs who are sexually active:

At this point, eligibility in New York City is limited to “gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men and transgender, gender non-conforming or gender non-binary persons ages 18 and older who have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days,” under the guidelines released by the health department.


While the outbreak has spread nationwide (big surprise, the United States fails yet again to control a disease, with no testing available until it’s way too late), with California and New York leading the way:


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