Utah Hunting Guide Who Falsely Led Moronic Trump Jr. To Believe He Legitimately Killed A Bear Charged With Illegal Baiting

Posted May 22, 2022 by with 1 comment

Boy clown Trump Jr., proven once again to be a complete loser at everything in life. The worthless schmuck can’t even murder defenseless animals without some illegal help from a depraved hunter. All the details here at the Salt Lake Tribune, but here’s an excerpt:

Utah hunting guide Wade Lemon faces five years in state prison for the death of a Carbon County bear killed during a guided hunt on May 18, 2018.

But Lemon, a well-known guide didn’t pull the trigger — Donald Trump Jr. did, according to the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Without naming Trump Jr., Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings said the hunter in the case “was actually a victim and a now a possible witness in a fraudulent scheme to lead the hunter to believe it was actually a legitimate Wild West hunting situation.”

Documents show investigations into Lemon’s organization for the past decade — allegations of cruel and illegal big game baiting practices.

The illegal bait, “a pile of grain, oil and pastries” was discovered with a trail camera pointed right on it with “WLH” (for Wade Lemon Hunting) written on the side and with Lemon’s own telephone number, according to court documents. The charging documents also include evidence from a subordinate confirming Lemon had him place the bait in the location several weeks before the hunt.

Impotent failures being conned into believing they’ve actually accomplished something (albeit something that’s horrific and abhorrent) is so emblematic of everything the entire Trump family represents (not to mention all the brain dead losers who love them), it’s almost too perfect.

[Salt Lake Tribune]

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