Video Shows Naked Man Covered In Blood Running From Assailant With Sword

Posted June 11, 2023 by with 4 comments

Grindr hook-up gone wrong? (Then again, when do they ever go right?) This was in Toronto, where they’re really giving Florida a run for its money. Via TorontoSun:

Toronto police say officers responded to a call for an assault with a weapon in the area of Wilson Heights Blvd. and Reiner Rd. around 7:45 p.m. on Wednesday.

The injured man was running away and looking for help, as seen in the video.

The attacker, 26-year-old Ferhat Aydemir, of Toronto, was arrested and charged with two counts of assault with a weapon, as well as aggravated assault and assault causing bodily harm. The two men knew each other, according to police.

Here’s the brief video, in which the naked man can be seen running away while Aydemir follows him across the street:

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