Vienna, Austria Named Most Liveable City
Vienna looks wonderful (the video above gives you a list of things to do there), but I wonder how rich you have to be to live there?
No surprise here, but not a single American city is in this new top 10 list of most liveable cities.
The top 10:
1. Vienna, Austria
2. Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Melbourne, Australia
4. Sydney, Australia
5. Vancouver, Canada
6. Zurich, Switzerland
7. Calgary, Canada
7. Geneva, Switzerland
9. Toronto, Canada
10. Osaka, Japan
Via CNN:
The ranking of the world’s most liveable cities for 2023 has just been released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and Vienna has come out on top yet again.
The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, ranked 173 cities around the world on a number of significant factors, including health care, education, stability, infrastructure and environment.
Vienna held onto its first place spot on the EIU’s Global Liveability Index, winning praise for its reliable infrastructure, standout culture and entertainment and impeccable education and health services.
L.A. and San Diego saw two of the biggest declines, dropping to 57 and 61, respectively. It’s truly shocking that L.A. is even in the top 100, given what a crime-filled wasteland it’s become.