When Was He Hotter: Lean Jock Stu Vs. Beefy Daddy Stu

Posted April 6, 2014 by with 18 comments

stu sean cody 3Read any blog’s comment section and you will learn that Sean Cody’s Stu is arguably the most physically flawless Sean Cody model of all time (and yes, he’s objectively hot, but he’s not really my type, in case you were wondering).

But when was Stu hotter? When he first appeared on Sean Cody as a lean surf jock in November, 2012? Or, in his most recent appearance this weekend as a beefy daddy? On the left, Stu in 2012. On the right, Stu today:

stu sean cody I’d take the leaner version over the beefier and more “filled-out” version any day. I’m sure most everyone else would take either version (and I probably would, too; who the hell am I kidding?). Let me know which Stu you’d rather shtup in the poll below.

stu sean cody 2Trailer for Stu’s latest scene, in which he barebacks and busts a nut in Matt (watch full scene here):

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[Sean Cody: Stu Barebacks Matt]

[Sean Cody: Stu’s Complete Bareback Filmography]


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