White Supremacist Porn Star Turned Jewish Trans Woman Confesses To Murdering Gay Porn Star Billy London

Posted February 10, 2023 by with 40 comments

The 1990 murder of gay porn star Billy London (above, right) in West Hollywood had been a cold case for over 30 years, but a detective, a documentarian, and an amateur sleuth recently put the pieces together and solved the case. London’s murderer was a white supremacist turned Jewish trans woman named Daralyn Madden (above, left). Via WeHoTimes:

LAPD Det. John Lamberti, with the help of Circus of Books Documentarian Rachel Mason, and amateur sleuth Clark Williams, have helped solve the cold case murder and identified the killer of William Arnold Newton, who went by the gay male porn names Billy London and Bill E. London. Dubbed the Black Dahlia of the gay community, Newton was last seen at The Rage Nightclub in West Hollywood. His head and feet were found in a dumpster in Hollywood off of Santa Monica Boulevard on October 29, 1990.

According to recent findings, his murderer was not Jeffrey Dahmer as some believed, but rather a person who went by the name of Darrell Lynn Madden, a former self-proclaimed white supremacist and skinhead who now identifies as an Orthodox Jewish woman named Daralyn Madden.

Investigators made the connection to Newton’s murder after Madden pleaded guilty to killing a gay man in Oklahoma named Steven Domer and another man named Bradley Qualls, who had been Madden’s accomplice in Domer’s murder and has since confessed to abducting, robbing, beating and strangling Newton to death.


L.A. County Dist. Atty. George Gascón’s office is not filing charges against Madden, citing a “lack of evidence beyond the confession” and “too many unanswered questions.” Apparently, murder confessions aren’t good enough, and justice has an expiration date in L.A. County. Besides, the L.A. district attorney’s office already spent all that time and money prosecuting Ed Buck (which they tried their best to avoid doing for years), so they probably figure they’ve done enough for the gays this century.

The good news is, Madden is already serving a life sentence in an Oklahoma prison for murdering his former friend Bradley Qualls. As WeHo Times notes, before Madden was a trans woman, and even before Madden was a white supremacist, he, like Billy London, was also a gay porn star, and he went by the name Billy Houston. At the time of the murder, Madden presumably presented as he appears in the images below, and he may have even known London as they were both gay porn stars. Here was one of Madden’s earlier mug shots (before transitioning, obviously), along with one of his DVD covers, as Billy Houston:

Both London and Houston were before my time (I didn’t start sneaking around and renting gay porn VHS tapes from a seedy adult book store until 1997), but you can see one of Houston’s last movies from 1992 below. We complain about how bad some gay porn is today, but I don’t think we realize how good we have it. “Private Invitation Of Billy Houston” is the kind of truly bad porn the gays had to deal with 30 years ago, although, given the taboo nature and scarcity of gay adult film back in 1992—not to mention the taboo nature and scarcity of being openly gay in 1992!—I suppose even something this unwatchable would’ve been arousing:

Wait, what:

Obviously, this is not the same Angel Rivera (who wasn’t even born yet when this was released) that we know today.

It’s not clear when “Private Invitation Of Billy Houston” was filmed, but as noted above, it was released in 1992, which was two years after Madden (Houston) killed Billy London. Details on London’s life, career, and tragic death are here.

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