Whoopi Goldberg In “Deep Shit” And Could Be Fired For Holocaust Remarks

Posted February 1, 2022 by with 27 comments

Things are not looking good for Whoopi after her disastrous comments on The View yesterday. Via NY Post:

There is growing fury inside ABC over Whoopi Goldberg’s controversial Holocaust claims, with insiders insisting that her apology isn’t enough and demanding that she be fired. On Monday’s edition of “The View,” Goldberg, 66, alleged that the Holocaust was “not about race,” claiming Nazis and Jews were both white.

However, sources tell Page Six that staffers and fellow hosts on “The View,” as well as insiders at Disney, are furious that Goldberg has not been disciplined.

“ABC staffers and Disney Network execs are saying Whoopi went way too far. And board members are not happy with her apology and want a fuller retraction. The word is that Whoopi is in ‘deep s–t,’” one ABC insider told us.

“Why does Whoopi seemingly get a pass when others don’t? Perhaps this time she won’t. Many at the network — including her fellow hosts — believe Whoopi is too controversial now for the show.”

“This will cast a shadow over everything for a while. Even Joy Behar was heard saying backstage that Whoopi is ‘dead wrong’ and may not ever recover from this,” the source said. “Joy found this particularly troubling and couldn’t believe Whoopi wouldn’t stand corrected until she was forced.”

According to the insider, others at ABC are “incredulous” and allegedly asking questions like, “How stoned can she be?”

Her remarks sparked international backlash on social media, where “#firewhoopi” started trending, plus wide condemnation from the Israeli Consulate General in New York and the Auschwitz Memorial and Anti-Defamation League.

Attempting to quell the outrage, Goldberg issued an apology via Twitter.

“On Today’s show, I said the Holocaust ‘is not about race, but about man’s inhumanity to man.’ I should have said it is about both,” her statement began. “As Jonathan Greenblatt from the Anti-Defamation League shared, ‘The Holocaust was about the Nazi’s systematic annihilation of the Jewish people — who they deemed to be an inferior race.’ I stand corrected.”

Goldberg then returned on Tuesday to “The View,” where she opened the show by stating that she “misspoke.”

[NY Post: Whoopi Goldberg ‘is in deep s–t’ and should be fired, ABC insiders claim]

Yes, she should be fired, but what they really need to do is please cancel the entire train wreck of a show, which has been a worthless stain on daytime TV for more than two decades. Bring back more soap operas! If we have to see women pretending to fight on TV all day long, they should at least be glamorous and pretending to fight about things that matter (fake pregnancies, affairs, murders, evil twins, love triangles, etc.).

UPDATE: Instead of firing her, ABC has suspended Whoopi for two weeks:

Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended from ABC’s The View for two weeks in light of her controversial comments about the Holocaust.

ABC News president Kim Godwin confirmed the suspension on Tuesday and released a statement: “Effective immediately, I am suspending Whoopi Goldberg for two weeks for her wrong and hurtful comments. While Whoopi has apologized, I’ve asked her to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments. The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, family and communities.”

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