Hot Or Not: Squirting Pussies In Bisexual Porn Scenes

Posted March 14, 2019 by with 84 comments

0008Since I am neither bisexual nor straight (spoiler alert: I’m gay), I’m not sure if pussy squirting is a hot thing for straight and bi guys to see when they’re watching bisexual porn, but I’ve always been genuinely curious if it’s something they like. As a gay, I like to see cocks shooting tons of cum, so I imagine a pussy squirting pussy juice would be similarly hot, if I were straight or bi. So, for all of you straight and bisexual men reading this right now, is the sight of Alura TNT Jenson’s squirting pussy something you find hot?


Squirting Pussies In Bisexual Porn Scenes:

Side note: Why is Alura’s middle name “TNT”? Is it a reference to the explosive compound, or to the basic cable television network?

Alura TNT Jenson’s squirting pussy can be seen in this week’s WhyHotBi scene, co-starring Lance Hart (he appears to be the one fucking Alura when her pussy starts squirting) and Zane Anders. The three train-fuck bareback after Lance and Alura discover Zane (their valet attendant) fucking himself with a butt plug in the trunk of their car. And I thought the gays were out of control:

tnt10009 0012 0016 0018 0020Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[WhyNotBi: Lance Hart, Zane Anders, And Alura TNT Jenson Fuck Bareback]


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