Woman Reportedly Has Loud, Full Body Orgasm While L.A. Phil Plays Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony

Posted May 1, 2023 by with 3 comments

Breaking news from the Los Angeles Times:

Molly Grant was enjoying the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s fifth symphony on Friday at the Walt Disney Concert Hall when she heard what she described as a “scream/moan” erupt from the balcony.

“Everyone kind of turned to see what was happening,” Grant, who was seated near the person who allegedly made the noise, told The Times on Sunday in a phone interview.

“I saw the girl after it had happened, and I assume that she … had an orgasm because she was heavily breathing, and her partner was smiling and looking at her — like in an effort to not shame her,” said Grant, who works for a jewelry company and lives in Los Feliz. “It was quite beautiful.”

Multiple people who attended the L.A. Phil concert on Friday reported hearing a woman making a moaning noise during the the symphony’s second movement.


There’s some drama on Twitter (of course) over whether the woman was having an orgasm or a nervous breakdown (why not both simultaneously? happens to me all the time):

Assuming the orgasm was real, it’s not clear if it was caused simply by the music, or perhaps the woman was secretly masturbating? It’s possible that it was just the music, and there has been research done on how certain notes can bring women to orgasm. It reportedly happened to a group of women years ago in New York, according to the Deccan Chronicle:

Several people have been trying to figure things out and have been posting their experiences on the internet. One guy wrote that he asked his girlfriend to sit on his bass amp and played the F# note, he later claimed that it worked and the girl ended up screaming in pleasure.

The answer to this may lie in the fact that orgasms may have a lot to do with vibrations which play a major part in musical notes, and getting the sound right can hence trigger an orgasm. While the idea of someone climaxing on sound alone may seem bizarre, but people have been working on decoding this.

An instrument called the Blaster Beam invented by David Huxley and featuring in the Star Trek soundtrack from 1979 is also considered to have the power to induce orgasms from sharp sounds. Some claim that when it was played at a concert in 1990 in New York, several women spontaneously got an orgasm.

Someone was using their phone to record the L.A. Philharmonic (shouldn’t that be illegal?), and they actually captured the exact moment when the woman had the orgasm. It’s not as crazy or as high-pitched as I thought it would be, but you can hear her in this brief clip:

Finally, here’s the famous second movement from Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5 that allegedly made the woman cum:

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