Woman Sentenced To 7 Years In Prison For Raping Gay Boy In Attempt To Turn Him Straight

Posted May 18, 2022 by with 12 comments

Next time you hear a psycho right-winger talking about “grooming,” send them this story to remind them what child abuse (not to mention conversion therapy) actually is. Via CornwallLive:

A woman befriended a 13-year-old boy and plied him with alcohol and cigarettes before going on to force him to have sex with her. The sick behaviour of Lucy Hambley, 40, left the victim making attempts to end his own life.

Hambley appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentence having pleaded guilty to four charges of sexual activity with a child. Prosecuting the case, Heather Hope described how the victim and Hambley first met when he found her doing work in her garden. He offered to help her and that started what he believed was a friendship.

“The relationship changed soon after and she started to treat him as an adult partner. The friendship lasted four weeks and then things changed. He confided in her that he was gay and she walked him into the bedroom and said she was going to prove he was straight before snogging him on the bed.”

Miss Hope described how the following week it progressed into full sex, with Hambley getting on top of the victim. Miss Hope added: “She didn’t put a condom on him and told him she wanted to get pregnant by him which scared him.”

Sentencing Hambley, Judge Anna Richardson went through how Hambley began by grooming the victim, before sexualising the relationship and repeatedly taking him to the bedroom, lying him on the bed and coaching him through intercourse.


Hambley was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.

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