Woman “Terrified” By Naked Intruder Who Climbed Into Bed With Her

Posted April 3, 2022 by with 2 comments

News out of Rhode Island (surprisingly, not Florida) that could’ve ended up a lot worse, but thankfully the naked intruder left without harming anyone. Via WJAR:

Surveillance video at Krista Brown’s home on Miller Avenue shows a naked man opening her front door Monday afternoon and walking into her home. Brown said the man got into her bed, where he tried to cuddle her. Brown was sleeping after working an overnight shift at her job.

“This is one of the craziest things I have ever experienced,” she told NBC 10 News. “As soon as I saw it was not my boyfriend, I screamed and jumped and ran out of the house.”

Brown and her attorney provided NBC 10 News with court documents and a police report, which identify the naked man as Jason Kendrick. The pages detail how upon leaving Krista’s first-floor home, Kendrick went up to the building’s third floor where Brown’s brother, Justin, lives.

“I kind of heard a couple big thuds, so I went to my door to answer it, and well, there was a naked man standing in front of my door,” he said. “He seemed lost, he seemed scared.”

Providence police arrested Kendrick at the house next door, where they say he lives. He faces a breaking and entering charge. Court records show he’s been arrested on numerous occasions, with charges ranging from vandalism to assault and battery and disorderly conduct.

[WJAR: Woman ‘terrified’ by naked intruder who gets into bed]

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