Would Or Would Not: Brand New Gay Porn Star Atticus

Posted February 20, 2014 by with 8 comments

atticusThis week’s edition of Would Or Would Not features another brand new gay porn star who’s so new, he only has one scene out! (At least, there’s only one I can find.) His name is Atticus (sorry, no last name), and here he is featuring his sleeve tattoos, ripped body, and fat cock. Below, cast your vote on whether you “would” or “would not” watch his scenes and jerk off to him.

atticus1atticus4All of Str8UpGayPorn’s heterosexual female readers are in luck, because Atticus is straight!

Here he is getting edged on MenOnEdge last year:

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[MenOnEdge: Atticus]

Remember to vote with your gut (or your boner—or lack thereof), but please be nice if you’re going to leave a response. Atticus is a straight man and probably isn’t used to bitchy comments.

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