Exclusive: Ashton Summers And Joey Mills On Dating In The Industry, Love For Their Fans, And What They Do Together When They’re Not On Camera

Posted October 13, 2017 by with 20 comments


Str8UpGayPorn recently sat down with Joey Mills and Ashton Summers on set at Helix Studios in San Diego, and in part two (ICYMI, part one is here) of their exclusive interview below, Ashton and Joey share the details on when they first met and became a powercouple, where the “dad” and “son” nicknames came from, what they do when they’re not on camera, what it’s like to date someone else in the industry, and being open about their porn careers with family and friends. Plus, Ashton reveals that Helix was the first studio he ever applied to over two years ago, and now he’s their newest exclusive.

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Believe it or not, Joey and Ashton are even cuter and more sweet IRL than they are on video, and thanks again to both of them for being so open, and for taking the time to chat.


[Helix Studios: Joey Mills Filmography]

[Helix Studios: Ashton Summers Filmography]

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