Killian James Admits To Using N-Word In Racist Email: “All I Want Is Attention”

Posted September 12, 2016 by with 59 comments

11yyt5In case there was any doubt (and there likely wasn’t), racist emails published to escort message board last month purportedly from disgraced bareback porn actor Killian James were in fact sent by Killian James, as Killian James himself has now confirmed in a new series of bizarre—and even more racist—emails sent to Str8UpGayPorn.

ICYMI, here’s Killian James’ original email sent to rival New York escort JD Daniels, in which James calls Daniels the n-word:


After being published here, Killian James made light of the above email on Twitter. He later went on to suggest that the email was “fabricated,” and even claimed that Str8UpGayPorn’s posting of the email was what led to the Str8UpGayPorn Twitter being temporarily suspended. While that account has been un-suspended (Twitter has since informed Str8UpGayPorn that its automated program inadvertently suspended the account in error), James sent the below emails to Str8UpGayPorn (with several others CC’d) attempting to take credit for the suspension:


Two days later, Killian James sent yet another email to Str8UpGayPorn. While there is no direct context for the email (Str8UpGayPorn has never responded to any of Killian James’ emails), it appears that he’s still (falsely) taking credit for the Twitter suspension. He uses the n-word two more times, this time writing, “If you weren’t such a n***er I might have mercy on you. Fuckin n***er.”


Finally, five days prior to the above email (and before Str8UpGayPorn’s Twitter account was temporarily suspended), Killian James sent the below email to Str8UpGayPorn and the escort with whom he is fighting (“JD”). Here, Killian James admits sending the original email and using the n-word because he “knew this site would publish it,” and because he “want[s] attention.” James goes on to excuse his use of the racial slur by citing the color of his French Bulldog’s fur (“I have a black french son”) and the ethnicity of a former scene partner:


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