Exclusive: Liam Riley Talks Porn Crushes, Online Bullies, His Future As A Dad, And Being Recognized In A Chipotle

Posted May 7, 2014 by with 17 comments

liam-riley-gay-pornHe first captured our hearts and boners earlier this year when he made the transition from cheerlebrity “Apple” to gay porn twink sensation Liam Riley. Arguably Helix Studios’ biggest breakout star of 2014, Liam is as sweet as he is talented and, as you’ll see below in his interview, extremely forthcoming. Who’s his biggest crush, what does he think of cyberbullying, and what’s it like to be a power bottom? That and more in a revealing and exclusive chat with Liam Riley.


Str8UpGayPorn: Liam, for those who don’t know, you were a very accomplished cheerleader before you switched to gay porn. What exactly did you do in the cheer world?
Liam Riley: Before Helix, I was a level 5 cheerleader, and what they called a “Cheerlebrity.” I was known for being a male flyer—something not many boys did. I’ve medaled at the Cheerleading World Championships, and I won national championships that were featured on ESPN. I’d done competition cheerleading, and it was just competitions all season long, we weren’t cheering on sports teams like you see on TV. Here’s a compilation video one of my fans made for me.

I remember some of the cheer parents were concerned when they learned that you had become a gay porn star. How did they find out?
It wasn’t something that I was trying to keep a secret. I had changed my personal Twitter that [the cheer people] followed into my Liam Riley adult account, and I announced that I was going forward with my decision. The controversy has definitely died down a lot since it happened.

Were you surprised that some people were upset?
I knew how everyone would feel about it. I knew who was gonna be there for me, and I knew who was gonna abandon me. So, it wasn’t a surprise. Of course, I was hurt that people from the cheer world—something I was so passionate about—could turn on me, but at the same time, it made me grow into a stronger person.

liam-riley_031Have you brought any cheer skills into your gay porn scenes?
We’ve talked over at Helix about a lot of cool things that could be done; I’m hoping it happens. So far, my flexibility is one of the greatest things, obviously. [Directors] Casey and Alex will be like “Can you lift your leg like this?” And my response is like, “Yeah, of course!” and everyone just starts laughing. Another thing would have to be my confidence and the poise I learned in cheer. In “Sex En Rouge,” Andy Taylor and I—both being cheerleaders—were really able to vibe off each other.

hx105_scene5_0276Speaking of Andy, he’s the ex-boyfriend of Evan Parker, who I know you’ve hung out with a lot. Are you in a relationship with him now? Is it hard to find romance with other gay porn stars?
I am single. I don’t think it’s that hard to find romance with a co-worker, I just believe if you want something to work, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll just find an excuse. If it’s real, authentic love, nothing can stand in its way.

OK, but were you ever involved with Evan Parker, or have you always been just friends?
Ha…oh boy! Evan and I are good friends. I enjoy his company and we have some of the best times together. He’s a great person to be around and has such a genuine side that most people don’t get to see. He’s the perfect person I could see myself with, but it’s just bad timing in both of our lives right now. I have said before though, if it works out or not, I know I want someone like Evan. He has his head on his shoulders, he’s hardworking, generous, humorous, and everything I would want in another person.

DCIM100GOPROBut you’ve also got a major crush on Max Ryder, right? What do you like about him?
Max Ryder, oh, his bone structure leaves me breathless. I mean, he’s just such a breathtaking person. I’m also really turned on by his “bad boy,” mysterious look he has going on. He looks at you, but it feels like he’s looking into your soul! Also, he just seems like a totally cool person.

hx105_scene4_023You’re from Southern California and are now living in conservative Orange County. How did your friends and family react to you becoming a gay porn star?
My friends were really open to the whole idea; from cheer it’s really not that unexpected.

Really? There are a lot of people who go from cheerleading to gay porn?
Yeah, we’ve known a few people who have done it. Usually just one or two porn videos though; not anyone who made it a career choice like I did. As far as my family finding out, my mom is like my best friend and I tell her everything, like, EVERYTHING. So, she thought I was kinda crazy at first, but she loves and supports me through it all.


Is porn everything you thought it would be? What’s the most annoying or frustrating thing about filming a scene?
I don’t really get annoyed at all! My only problem is I get tired. I start my days early and try to keep myself productive, and I LOVE my little naps. So, I guess the only annoying thing is filming a scene means long hours and I probably won’t get to nap. Oh, and it’s annoying that bottoms don’t get to eat whatever they want on shoot days.

Helix-Studios-8teenboy-Roman-Daniels-and-Liam-Riley-Big-Cock-Twinks-Fucking-In-A-Van-Amateur-Gay-Porn-21Do you bottom in your personal life as often as you do on camera?
I’ve only ever bottomed, and I never get to top! I guess because I like masculine men, and they’re usually always tops, so I assume my role as bottom.

Are you OK with labels in the gay community like “bottom,” “top,” “femme,” and “butch”?
They’re pointless, but they don’t bother me.


Almost all the comments I’ve read about you are positive, but there have been some that say you’re “too feminine.” Does that kind of stuff get to you?
I just see it as the whole sticks and stones thing. Not everyone is gonna like me, and I’m not gonna satisfy everyone’s needs. I am who I am, and I’m happy with who I am. I wouldn’t change myself for anything in the world.

Some have criticized your voice as not being “masculine” enough. How do you react to that?
Yeah my voice is a little high, but it’s who I am. It’s what makes me, me. I just think it’s tacky and rude to comment negatively about someone who you know nothing about.

Very true. Did you experience bullying growing up?
Everyone experiences bullying in some shape or form, but I didn’t let anything bother me. I knew it was high school and people were close-minded, so I just let it go. I’m glad things are changing and being gay is more accepted now.


Did you always know you wanted to work with Helix, or did you apply at other studios, too?
I didn’t really know about any other studios, or that studios had “exclusives.” But I love working at Helix, and we’ve all created a really close bond with each other. Casey and Alex make filming fun, and they’ve been nothing but the absolute best to me.

Any advice for young gay porn stars just getting started?
I would say be safe, make good choices, and make sure you’re on top of your stuff. It’s all great and fun, but think about your future. Make something of yourself and apply yourself. Be amazing! Why half ass anything?

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
In 10 years I hope to have a husband, a beautiful home somewhere in California, and two kids—a girl and a boy. I hope to have had an amazing career in porn, but I also do hope to be retired and happy! I plan on having my business major and doing something great with that. I also want to work in the office at Helix and watch the studio grow.


Do you ever get recognized in public?
I have in a lot of places for being a cheerleader. The cheerleading status came with a lot of followers, and before I deleted that Instagram I had 61,000 followers. On Vine I had 22,000. So, people would be like “Hey, you’re that boy from online!” My weirdest fan interaction was at a Chipotle in Florida. The guy making my burrito was like, “OMG, I totally follow you!”

What do you think about Amazon Wish Lists or gay porn stars who start GoFundMe fundraising campaigns so they can buy stuff for themselves?
I think Amazon Wish Lists are cute. It’s flattering when fans buy you things. And trust me, if I could give something in return as a token of my thanks, I would. GoFundMe is a little different. I’ve seen models abuse the kindness of fans and ask for straight up money, and that’s something I don’t support.

Finally, what can we look forward to with you and Helix in 2014?
I hope I get my own box covers! And, I think it would be pretty awesome to be nominated next year for a few awards, and hopefully win.

Lightning Round! I name a performer, and you give me the FIRST word that comes to your head. Remember, just ONE WORD! Here we go…

Ryker Madison? Sweetheart
Andy Taylor? FUN!
Ian Levine? Shy
Max Carter? Boyyyyyfran.
Jake Bass? Hottieeee.
Austin Wilde? Witty
Brent Corrigan? Str8UpGayPorn
Jessie Montgomery? Funny
Evan Parker? Genuine
Kody Knight? Cutiepie
Felix Warner? Flirty
Jacob Dixon? Tan
Casey Tanner? Ilysm (inside joke)
Max Ryder? Husband

Thanks Liam!
You’re welcome! Bye! 🙂

[Helix Studios: Liam Riley’s Complete Filmography]

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[Helix Studios: Liam Riley’s Complete Filmography]


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