Gay Porn Star Matthew Rush Arrested AGAIN After Court Cancels Bond

Posted October 5, 2017 by with 33 comments

cfimg-603697292800276150More bad news for Matthew Rush, as Str8UpGayPorn can report that the former gay porn star—who was arrested last month (mug shot above) for felony possession of methamphetamine—was arrested AGAIN last week and had his bond surrendered. New booking report via Broward County:

bond2Rush originally posted $1,000 bond following the meth arrest on September 19th, and had been out of custody for nearly a week. He took to social media during that time and told followers that he’d be “laying low.” From September 25th, three days before he was rearrested:

grThe rearrest report and court documents below don’t indicate why Rush’s bond was surrendered (either the court revoked bail, the person who paid the bail changed his or her mind, or the bond company changed their mind), but it does show that the court canceled the bond, and Rush was brought back to the Broward jail last Thursday.

bond3 bond1bondWhile it’s not confirmed at this point, Matthew Rush’s bond may have been canceled because he didn’t appear in court on a separate, unrelated traffic charge he’s facing. His original court date for the traffic citation was 9/18 (the day before he was originally arrested on the meth charge):


Rush’s new arraignment date on the traffic charge (driving on a suspended license) is set for October 16th, and he remains in custody tonight.


Court dates for Rush’s felony methamphetamine charge have not yet been set, but he was appointed a public defender late last month. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison.

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