Nutjob Reality Star Turned Failed Politician Weighs In On Dave Chappelle Drama

Posted October 28, 2021 by with 4 comments

The one person who everyone on all sides can agree they do not want to hear from about literally anything is, of course, offering their thoughts on the Dave Chappelle controversy. Caitlyn Jenner, take it away:

Speaking out via Twitter on Wednesday, Jenner said the uproar over Chappelle’s language on trans people (of whom Jenner is one) is an attack on free speech.

“Dave Chappelle is 100% right,” Jenner tweeted. “This isn’t about the LGBTQ movement. It’s about woke cancel culture run amok, trying to silence free speech. We must never yield or bow to those who wish to stop us from speaking our minds.”

Chappelle has vowed not to be “summoned” by trans opponents to his comedy stylings, but would meet at a time and place of his choosing.

Jenner—a reality show star who was nearly charged with vehicular manslaughter before becoming a MAGA freak who came in nearly dead last in the recent California governor recall election—has been on the wrong side of every issue she’s spoken about, from the homeless crisis to climate change to trans women in sports to so-called “cancel culture.” It’s almost as if she’s trolling everyone by going out of her way to be deliberately wrong about everything, but then again, she’s probably way too stupid and lazy to come up with any grift requiring that much consistency.


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