Gay Republican Who Attended Jan. 6 Terror Attack Elected To Congress

Posted November 10, 2022 by with 20 comments

You might remember this face-tuned faggot, as he was running against another gay (the Democrat) in New York. He and Marge Greene will no doubt be besties in the House, and who knows, maybe he’ll have time to hop over to the Senate to fuck Lindsey Graham’s ass in a closet. Via Yahoo:

George Santos is set to become the only openly gay Republican in Congress after Democratic candidate Robert Zimmerman conceded early Wednesday morning in a closely-watched race in New York’s 3rd congressional district.

The Long Island election itself was historic, as it was the first time two openly LGBTQ candidates nominated by major parties competed in a general election for federal office.

After losing a congressional bid in 2020, he traveled to Washington, DC on January 6, 2021, to attend President Donald Trump’s speech, during which Trump claimed he’d won the 2020 election “by a landslide” and told his loyalists to “fight like hell” to overturn the results.

“I was at the Ellipse on January 6,” said Santos during a February 2021 appearance on “The Right View” hosted by Lara Trump. “That was the most amazing crowd, and the president was at his full awesomeness that day.”

Santos went on to call January 6 a “sad and dark day,” and has said he was “never on Capitol grounds” that day. But he was later caught on camera by a Democratic activist saying that he had cut a “nice check to a law firm” to get people arrested in DC on January 6 out of jail.


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