Fan Of Taylor Swift Drops Dead At Rio Concert
The people who control the “singer” have their millions to make, so they weren’t about to let 125-degree temperatures stop them from raking it in. Sadly, it cost a young woman her life in Brazil yesterday. Via Deadline:
[Swift] penned an emotional tribute to a young female fan, who died before her Eras show in Rio de Janeiro on Friday evening. On her Instagram account, the solo superstar wrote of her devastation about the loss of the 23-year-old woman – named as Ana Clara Benevides in international media – who was reported to have fainted in the front row of the Estadio Nilton Santos Stadium, while waiting for the show to begin.
International media reports that Benevides died after suffering a cardiac arrest. She was resuscitated in the stadium but suffered a second arrest on her way to hospital.
The concert took place in great heat, and fans had earlier complained on social media about not being allowed to take water bottles in with them to the concert.
No water allowed, but they were all given those electronic light-up bracelet things to wear so the crowd looks amazing in all the photos and videos. Meanwhile, someone in that crowd was dying.
There was a high of 103 degrees yesterday, but the heat index makes it feel like 125 in parts of Rio near the concert.
Taylor Swift and her team should’ve been better prepared for something like this, given that there were already complaints of fans passing out, having panic attacks, and vomiting at her concert due to extreme crowding and severe weather at a Nashville show back in May. But again, money is all that matters, and someone needed to literally die before any adjustments were made. Swift’s people postponed tonight’s show due to the heat, so they’re at least smart enough to try and avoid additional deaths.
Swift’s Instagram post is below: