SHOCK: Releases Scene With Two Openly Gay, Undeniably Hot Gay Porn Stars

Posted April 24, 2014 by with 5 comments

topher dimaggio connor kline 2Please remember and savor this moment, because it doesn’t happen too often, if ever. For the first time in what has to be years (decades?!), has released a scene with not one, but two openly gay men. And I hope you’re sitting down, because both of these openly gay men are also extremely hot and in great shape. There’s not a FUPA in sight!

topher dimaggio connor kline 3Yes, it stars Topher DiMaggio and Connor Kline, easily two of gay porn’s best performers, and my hat is off to’s casting department. For once, I have nothing to complain about. This feels weird.

0018Remember, Connor Kline retired back in February, so there can’t be too many of his scenes left. Enjoy his ass while you can…

00720032Trailer for Topher fucking Connor (watch in full here):

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[ Topher DiMaggio Fucks Connor Kline]

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