And Here’s Sebastian Young In Today’s Raw Castings Update

Posted June 8, 2016 by with 32 comments

0K0A0614Today, news broke that Sebastian Young was arrested and is in jail for threatening to run over a Florida police detective with his car. Also today, new bareback gay porn studio has released an update featuring, you guessed it, Sebastian Young. What a nice coincidence.

0K0A0630sebfThe scene—in which Sebastian Young auditions a newcomer by fucking his ass raw—was filmed on January 30th of this year, which means it was obviously filmed well before his arrest last Friday. But, it also means that RawCastings had no problem whatsoever hiring a known convicted felon who was arrested in September of last year for allegedly beating his wife unconscious. Also worth noting is the fact that RawCastings had no problem releasing this scene today, even after Sebastian Young revealed three months ago that he was being investigated for allegedly giving his 5-year-old daughter a sexually transmitted disease. What a fun treat for this newcomer.

0K0A0624You have to wonder: What would a gay porn star have to do to not be hired by a gay porn studio? Murder one of their co-stars while filming a scene? Maybe it’d have to be the director for the studio to really care. Given the gay porn industry’s hiring practices, it’s only a matter of time…

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[ Sebastian Young Fucks Booster Bareback]

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