[Updated] Bigoted Twink Brad Chase Threatens To Sue Str8UpGayPorn Commenters For Defamation
Over the weekend, bigoted orange twink Brad Chase—a Donald Trump fan who supports the executive order banning Muslims from entering the United States—took to Twitter to express his hatred and irrational fear by singling out and discriminating against hundreds of millions of people for their religion and ethnicity. Over two dozen screenshots of Brad Chase’s hateful tweets (some of which he deleted within hours of sending) were posted here, and hundreds of commenters did not take kindly to the tweets, for good reason.
Today, Brad Chase has sent some more tweets, this time indicating that he intends to silence or sue anyone who comments or reports on the fact that he is a xenophobic bigot, despite the fact that he is indeed a xenophobic bigot, as already proven by all of his tweets.
I’m not sure what’s more upsetting: That he spelled my name wrong, that this is a subtweet with no one tagged, or that he thinks all of Str8UpGayPorn’s commenters are “fake”? Those of you in the comments who are actually fake, I guess you should get ready to be sued for defamation. Sorry.
Also, Brad Chase would like Str8UpGayPorn to not be worried about Twitter terms (uhh, I’m not), and instead be worried about him “contacting [my] webmaster.” Considering I am the webmaster of Str8UpGayPorn, I guess that means I should be expecting some kind of contact from Brad Chase? Or, that I should contact…myself?
Another subtweet from Brad Chase claims that posting of “unflattering photos” is “appropriation,” which is a misuse of the word “appropriation” and also just very sad, considering the only photos posted here of Brad Chase have been photos that he posted of himself, from his own Twitter.
Anyone who is courageous enough to leave a comment below: Please remember that anything you say—even if you are fake and do not actually exist—could result in a defamation lawsuit from Brad Chase. Or, even worse, he could subtweet you.
Bigoted twink Brad Chase has gotten more specific with his legal threats (thanks, Google and Wikipedia!), and he’s now added “libel” to the list of lawsuits he plans on filing in response to Str8UpGayPorn posting screenshots of his bigoted tweets. He could’ve tagged me in the below tweet, but he decided to just name a city (where I live) instead:
Brad Chase also hinted at the fact that he hasn’t been filming with Helix Studios lately, although one of his scenes was just released last week:
Bigoted twink Brad Chase also suggested that screenshots of his bigoted tweets being posted here (before he had the chance to delete them) affected his contract or business relationships, and he’s pursuing a “tortious interference” claim:
Finally, Brad Chase expressed how hard it is to be “attached” to people’s opinions of his own bigoted opinions.