Chris Damned Plays A Fireman Who Catches Brandon Anderson Jerking Off, And You Won’t Believe What Happens Next

Posted January 26, 2021 by with 15 comments


Well, looking at the gif above, I guess the headline of this post is probably a moot point.


Chris Damned plays the hottest fireman on earth, Brandon Anderson plays someone having his business inspected by said fireman, and because this is gay porn, they end up having sex during that inspection.

Side note: Thank GOD they fuck in Brandon’s office and not in the other area of the building (i.e., the ugliest gay porn set of 2021) that we see briefly at the beginning of the scene:


Back in the office, Chris tops Brandon on his desk and on the floor:

Another side note: While I’ll watch Chris Damned doing anything, I can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever bottom in a studio gay porn scene? (Not that he needs to—his topping is good.)

chrisb3I wonder what happened to the big NextDoor house where they used to film all their content? Most their scenes are in this warehouse now, but again, I’m glad they filmed in the office and not the other room that looks like a crypt. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[NextDoor: Chris Damned Fucks Brandon Anderson Bareback]

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